Divorce Coach Plus 551-444-2609 complimentary call
Certified Divorce Coach & High Conflict Consultant
For All Your Divorce and Custody Needs: Specializing in High Conflict Divorces (with a Narcissist, custody battles, hidden money & domestic abuse) and divorce with families that have Special Needs children. Susan is also a Pre-Mediation Divorce Coach for amicable divorces.

Pre, During, and Post Divorce Assistance
Dr Bernstein makes sure you not only survive, but THRIVE! She helps you "Cross the Bridge" from Pain to Peace & Crisis to Calm!
Susan helps you gain control of your life by creating an individual strategic action plan. No problem is too big! Susan says bring it on and we will tackle it together!
From the first thoughts of "Should I or Shouldn't I file for divorce" to holding your hand if you are "blind-sided with divorce papers". Everything is confidential and nonjudgmental!
Susan will be there for you any time you need-nights, weekends, holidays.
Achieving Your Goals
relating to:
Parenting, Finances and Post Divorce  Changes
Helping You Be the Very Best You Can Be

Children First
Making Sure You Are the Best Parent You Can Be
Helping you figure out your ideal parenting custody plan and overcoming obstacles to make it a reality! Getting you the life you want with your children. Effectively communicating with your former spouse and dealing with those that are Narcissists. Making sure you always take the high road. Keeping you and your children safe from Domestic abuse. Helping you and your new partner co-parent with your ex! Expertise in assisting with special needs children and extra considerations for them.
Organizing Your Money and Finances
Saving you thousands in legal fees by preparing you for your attorney or mediator. Ensuring your needs are met and safeguards are in place so you don't have to go back to court. Making sure your finances are in order by providing resources such as Certified Divorce Financial Planners and Forensic Accountants to make sure you get all you deserve. Helping you understand your changing finances to live the life the way you want! Review of Marital Settlement Agreements and Memorandum of Understandings.

Post Divorce Services
New Career * New House * New Relationship
Helping clients adjust to their new life. Transition and recovery services to get you to your next place to live and career change you seek. Guiding clients to the new relationships they have always desired. Helping clients identify their personal and professional goals. Boundary setting so your ex doesn’t consume you. Documentation assistance for post divorce enforcement litigation. Co-parenting and parallel-parenting strategy sessions.
Whatever you’re struggling with, Susan will help you achieve your goals while saving you time, money and headaches! Call, text or email Susan today to get unstuck!
Divorce Coach Plus will be your most valuable resource during your divorce - Susan Korb Bernstein specializes in helping her clients get out of toxic relationships with best case custody circumstances as well as the best financial outcomes they deserve. Susan will help you communicate effectively with your attorney/mediator to get them on track and working for you!
Learn More About Divorce Coach Plus
Susan Korb Bernstein, Ed.D., CDC
Dr Bernstein is a Certified Divorce Coach and Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach with a speciality in Post Divorce Transition and Recovery and will help you go through the changes of divorce with ease. She helps clients achieve their goals and get to where they want to be. Susan helps many clients who want to get out of toxic relationships get what they need and deserve related to their children and finances. Susan is a mom, best selling author, leader for Vesta Divorce and the National Association of Divorce Professionals (NADP) as well as The Divorce Coalition. She teaches a mastermind class and coaches coaches! She is also a Certified Divorce Specialist and Pre Mediation Divorce coach. Prior to becoming a Certified Divorce Coach Susan earned her doctorate in Education Leadership and was a school teacher and administrator. Her studies and focus have always been on what is best for the children. Susan's promise to you is that you will end each session with action steps to get you closer to achieving your goals and the life you want! Susan is the coach that attorneys hire for their own divorce!
Schedule a Free Call Learn How Divorce Coach Plus Can Help You
Packages of 2, 5 or 12 sessions-no expiration, no refunds, but can gift sessions to someone.
New York Tri-State Area, The USA and Around the World!